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Showing posts from March, 2013


Hoppity hoppity!!  :) Hopeful you have arrived here from Fleur 's blog as part of the Crafty Ribbons Easter Hop .  If not and you've found yourself here wondering what on earth I'm on about (and letā€™s face it J you wouldnā€™t be the first!!) check out the Inspirations site for all the juicy details! My project for the hop is         Easter bunting!  I cut three templates first - a triangle pennant, a bird and a heart.        Then I cut the pennant shapes from fibre ribbon, threaded them on to some 3mm satin and evenly spaced them.  I embellished each flag with some beads...       I backed the birds and heart on some thin white card and glued them to the centre of the pennants.   My supplies list: yellow fibre , pink fibre , lime fibre , 3mm satin , button box , white card, glue, beads, needle and thread.   ...

Alpha Challenge - P for Peacock

Here is my P page for the Craft Barns Alpha Challenge .  Maybe unsurprisingly I chose Peacock... And this is how it turned out... I learnt some stuff too :) I used pastels for the feather.  I don't often use pastels and was surprised by how far the 'dust' travelled! After clearing up all the residue I used watercolour pencils and drawing pens for the picture of the bird. I feel the blurred out edges is slightly cheating as I didn't draw the whole animal... but I like the effect it gives.  I'm happy with how he turned out in the end. I didn't get to visit many other entries last time so hopefully I can have a peek at both P and Ma-Me pages this time around.  I do love seeing what words you guys have picked! Thanks for stopping by :)


Hello Desky peeps!  I missed you all last week! On my desk today... I'm working on  my Craft Barn Alpha Challenge page.  You may also spot a list - you know me and my lists! - with all the projects I want to complete.  Can you send some time and energy over my way please?!  Note that 'tidy desk' is rather hopefully written on the list too...  Haha!  :) Seriously I'd be dangerous if I had a brain...  I realised after I uploaded the picture that a: I left my don't-smudge-the-drawing-guard-paper over half the work and b: my giveaway for the Crafty Ribbons Easter Blog Hop is on show (it shouldn't be - avert your eyes!! - and come back tomorrow to have a chance at winning!) Once again thanks to Julia for hosting and I'll try and return all your visits... Have a lovely Easter weekend :)

Just to say...

Just a super quick note to say I have been 'unplugged' for a few days and not very with it for a few days before that so if you have messaged me or left comments in the last week or so and I haven't got back to you Sorry! You are on my list and I will get to you asap! :) Off for a snooze now... then I'll start at the top of the list and work my way round to catch up with you all x


Today I'm sharing a door sign I made for Ali 's handsome nephew Sam.  It's for Crafty Ribbons Challenge - One For The Boys . It's a piece of chipboard covered with gesso, star sequins and acrylic paint. I've stuck two lengths of ribbon along the bottom with red backed double sided sticky tape. The chipboard letters have had a coat of gesso, then a couple of coats of acrylic paint and to finish them off I've outlined them with a black felt tip.  I have attached them with glue gel to give extra dimension. I popped a couple of brads in and threaded another length of ribbon for the hanging tie. You can find the ribbons here ...  I wish I had a small man in  my life.  I picture these ribbons used as shoelaces on a pair of black trainers.  It would be so cool!! I hope to see you joining in over at the challenge... Thanks for stopping by


        Hey guys, I have some info from Crafty Ribbons to share with you   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++     Over at the Crafty Ribbons Inspiration blog we are having an Easter Blog hop and would like to invite you all to join in with us.  We also have a few surprises for you all, we have some special people joining us we know you will love them as much as we all do, so don't forget to come back and see who will be joining us... Our Easter blog hop will run from 8am 28th March through to 6pm 2nd April... There will be words to collect to make a sentence and the Design Team Members who are taking part all have a ribbon candy to give away to one lucky person who joins us on the hop and leaves a comment on their blog. For the person who gets all the letters to make the words and then leaves the correct sentence in a comment on the post at Crafty Ribbons Inspiration there will ...

Alpha Challenge - M for Mavis

    I promised myself I would enter every fortnight... Alpha Challenge at The Craft Barn I've not been well and have not been up to much. Thank goodness for thinking ahead.  Thank goodness for pre s cheduled posts.  I wouldn't have got through the last week otherwise. I have a page half done...   I chose Mavis - the song thrush... I like the background - gesso and paint pen. I like the tree trunk - watercolour pencils Less satisfied with the bird - again watercolour pencils.  When I am feeling better I will probably go back and work on it a bit more.  I'll also add some more details to keep the page in line with my others.       Bring on the next letter and some energy to join in again!

Easter Garden

Today my project is being featured on Inspirations ā€“ my first post for the blog. When I got my date for Inspirations I thought it was quite near Easter and tried to come up with an Easter craft.   There are so many Christmas crafts but not so many for Easter it seemsā€¦ We used to make Easter gardens at Sunday school and youth group; I always enjoyed making them and thought Iā€™d revive my love  but with a ā€˜ribbonyā€™ twist.     I started with a piece of polystyrene cut to a rectangle.   I glued a couple more bits of polystyrene together for the hill and carved it to shape with my craft knife.   Then I took a thicker piece of polystyrene and carved it in to a tomb.   My tomb stone is a vintage button from my Grandmaā€™s button box. To make button gravel: Put 2 or 3 buttons in a zip lock bag cover entirely with kitchen roll (make an envelope like shape so no small pieces escape and cause injury!) Place on a ...


So this is what is on my desk today for WOYWW ! Hopefully these photos explain last Wednesdays polystyrene...     I sculpted an Easter garden.  You can go to this post if you would like to find out more... Also on my desk is this washi birthday card... Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to join in the biggest desk hop over at Julia's - seriously I think it gets bigger every week!

Knitted Layout!

Yeah, I know, not quite a knitted layout but a layout with 'knitted ribbon' and knitted jumpers... I love hand knitted clothes.  I can't knit though and now I am grown up no one offers to knit for you!  I've heard more than one Grandmother say 'it's fine when they are little because the knitting grows fast'   This layout is of me and my brother in the 80's wearing jumpers that Nanny had knitted for us.  I'm not certain but I probably inherited the blue jumper when he had grown out of it... do kids still do that these days?! I cut in to the lovely knitted ribbon .  I didn't want to use it because it is so nice.  I've done that with papers in the past and by the time I do make the big jump and use them I always wonder why I didn't use them when I bought them...  when will I learn!      I used up some left over rub-ons.  A 'c' and an 'i' minus it's dot make up the 'a' and a 'l...