One of my Secret Santa stocking swaps had so much green paper-y ribbon-y goodness in it that I couldn't help but start creating on Boxing Day! One layout morphed in to two layouts - you can watch exactly how it happened... I ended up only adding the gold word stickers, gold washi and gold glitter alphas to the goodies from the stocking - it was such a complete 'kit' that I didn't need many extras. This was my first experience with Heidi Swapp's texture paste. I didn't use it for texture on this occasion, but when it comes to it, I'll be trying to layer it as it seems a little looser than the texture pastes I am used to. Fabulous colour and sheen though! I love the wooden hearts covered with paper. These photos don't really pick up the shine of the paste - I expect it will be tricky to capture on camera (I already have this issue with Shimmerz products) but in the flesh it is super. I wonder if any one has any tips for sewin