So it's about that time of year when I think I should be making plans... new series, new creations, start this again, keep up with that again. Last year I started my shape series. I got as far as three when I had planned to go to 12. Not really a success but I had the ideas; that wasn't the problem. My note books, scraps of paper and apps prove that coming up with the ideas isn't an issue. My issue, same as it has been since february 2000 is I just don't have the energy and thus physical ability to follow those ideas through to creation. It is what it is. But I'm trying and I'm doing my best and I hope I will always come up with ideas even if I can't complete them. What I do have 'planned' for 2024? I'm attempting to keep up with Stick It Down's card sketches. I'm attempting to do the same with CAS Colours and Sketches. I want to try and scrap regularly again. They don't need to be heirlooms and masterpieces. They don'