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Showing posts from April, 2013

Alpha Challenge - W is for Whippoorwill

I have had a little energy to spend on crafting today.  Big huge smiles.  It's nice not to be sneaking in at the end this time around!  I'm here in plenty of time to enter The Craft Barn's wonderful Alpha Challenge .  The rules for this fortnight were a 'W' word and circles. I chose: And this is what I came up with... The science bit... The circles... And a close up of the bird... And yes, they really do have tiny beaks and whiskers!  I think to be really accurate it should be slightly sleeker, less rounded, but hey, we can say it's cold so he has fluffed his feathers up!!  :) I would love to see one of these in the flesh - or should that be in the feather! Thank you for stopping by and for leaving such nice comments.  (I will try and return comments as soon as I am feeling up to it )   :)


So my ME is still being a pain (both metaphorically and literally) and I've not been able to do much of anything.  I'm at my desk for a maximum of 5 minutes at a time and even then I'm not necessarily able to concentrate due to brain fog (somewhat like have a massive cloud of midges flying around like little lunatics in your head making it hard to think, concentrate and focus...) This morning a parcel arrived from Sprinkle of Imagination  and I sat in bed and watched whilst Mum opened it... Boy am I looking forward to playing with these new pencils! I'm linking up at Julia's for WOYWW .  I'm going to try and visit a few desks but please don't be offended if I don't return your comments this week... Hopefully normal service will so be resumed!

Alpha Challenge - R for Red Squirrel

Hello it's Laura's mum. Laura's ME is very bad so she hasn't been able to blog.  Before she went down hill she managed to get this page done.       So for the Craft Barn's alpha challenge "R" is for red squirrel. She has used her watercolour pencils to draw the squirrel. I am now going to attempt to follow her instructions and link up at the Craft Barn !!  EEEK. Laura's mum. (technophobe)


I can't miss out on the 200th edition of the best hop on the net... Here is my desk today... Not a lot of things going on really. Half made this, part made that.  I may get to sit and work at my desk on Friday but until then it will stay like that. Only other thing I have done recently is this manicure... Neon tips.  Not for the faint hearted!!  :) Happy WOYWW lovely people!

A Liebster? For me? Why, thank you!

Aw!  I've had a message from Gill nominating me for a Liebster Award. The award is given to bloggers with less than 200 followers who deserve acknowledgement and encouragement to continue blogging. The rules are as follows: 1. List 11 facts about yourself 2. Answer the 11 questions given to you 3. Create 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate 4. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog 5. Choose 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers to nominate 6. Go to each bloggers page and let them know about the award 11 facts about me 1.   I love birds and wildlife 2.   I'm a big Liverpool FC fan 3.   I have suffered from ME for more than 13 years 4.   I'm a Christian and believe everything happens for a reason 5.   I love chocolate - proper chocolate not the stuff packed full of sugar! 6.   I have two pets Daisy Bunny and Billy Budgie 7.   According to most people I know I have bad taste in music 8.   I love colour - bright