I won some card blanks a few years back and I really had no idea what to do with them. They were not the conventional folded cards I am used to - they were single sheets with apertures. I was stumped. In the end I decided to ink them all up and make them in to a book. I joined them with washi tape and I choose Psalm 23 as the subject, as I have been studying it lately. Have a look... There are Loads of photos!! Click to go bigger... I added a few pages - vellum and tissue to add to the texture of the book. And a few more with some details highlighted... I'm not sure how I'm going to use it yet. I've meditated through it a few times but I want to use it for something good... I guess the rightful owner will show themselves when the time is right :) I'd like to share this at: Faith Filled Friday Word Art Wednesday Inspire Me Mondays Thanks for stopping by