Here's a little update on my circle creations over the last few weeks. You can read about the concept here . So, the layout I was fired up to create at the beginning of the month, the one based on the sketch I shared, is still unmade. No matter though, as this was a no pressure, no deadline, playtime kind of project. I have created a few other things... This layout uses a folded cut file, which is something I want to explore further throughout the year. I cut half a shape essentially, just one line, then score between the beginning and end of that line and fold it back. When you cut a file like this on double-sided patterned paper you end up with both sides showing. This is both good - because it looks great; and restrictive - because you have to have the right kind of pattern on both sides. (For example a cut-apart sheet on one side would not give the effect I am after.) Perhaps it was trickier for me as my double-sided paper stash is limited as I tend to use solid cardst