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Showing posts from August, 2013

Friday Smies

Argh!  It's a giant chicken!!  :) Linking up at Friday Smiles - a place to share stories, jokes, photos -  anything that makes you smile.


This WOYWW *sigh*  I'm working on Christmas cards.  (It's not just you Julia) I know it's not too early but it feels wrong to me... it's August!  Anyway I got a few done yesterday and hopefully I'll get a few more done today after I've had my physiotherapy... although there is a chance that I'll sleep all afternoon instead of being creative! See you at your desk :) Laura x

I Love: Dad, Myrtle and this Layout

I love it when you see something (a card, a layout, a painting... anything really) and just get so inspired you want to do your take on it right away.  Unfortunately I couldn't because I was on holiday.  So I made notes of what was in my head and stored them away for when I got home - and then this happened: I'd seen Corrie Jones video on youtube ( watch ) and loved it.  It's from a set of videos giving tips and pushing you creatively to try new things.  The layout, for me, was amazing and in need of lifting!  (Not an uncommon thought when I see Corrie's layouts!!)  I wanted to do it 'male' though and this photo of Dad and Myrtle on holiday seemed the perfect fit. I used goodies from paperchase, washi tape, a random pin thing, my trusty stapler, and a sprinkling of sparkly brads and stickers. Also continuing my drive to use the rubbish that I keep because I will use it one day I added a bit of red wire that I had kept.  (Why o...

Mini Madness Monday I

I have a few Mini Albums to share so I've decided to I'll share one at a time for a month of Mondays, so welcome to Mini Madness Monday I... I found a little memory card holder in Paperchase.  It told me it wanted to be a scrap book though... So I transformed it: And I had so much fun doing it!  Half a rub on, flowers, a brad and a tag with ribbon for the front cover.  Inside it started with a little accordion folding to make the pages... It's quite small so not much room for layering or embellishing - I gathered some of my smallest pieces, quite a few were little post it notes. The rest of the embellishing came from doodling with a black fineliner. And here is the other side:  I used some rub on butterflies and my black pen to jazz up the back. I'm so pleased with how it turned out - my holiday captured in a little case :) I'd like to enter this at:  Make My Monday - anything but a card...

Alpha Challenge - O is for Ostrich

Having missed a letter due to our connection issues I'm getting in with plenty of time to spare for this fortnights challenge over at the Craft Barn . O is for   And here is what me and my 2B pencil came up with... I always write a fact that I discover and find interesting... I'm desperate to know if this is true? 'Ostrich have the largest eye of all land vertebrate' - I can't find any information to contradict it so I went with it...  Odd to think that a birds eye can be bigger than some carnivorous mammals; cool. Right, I'm off to check out the other O's and maybe whip up another page too.  I had trouble picking... ostrich, owl, okapi, orang-utan - I want to do them all!! :) See you around :)

Smelly Cheese!!!

I'm back online!  You have no idea how happy I am! I have a backlog of projects to share with you...  I'm going to try and get them in the right order but don't hold your breath - I'm quite dappy and spaced with the ME at the moment. On to todays LO, I have a few favourites when it comes to scrapbookers.  People whose layouts make me think 'I want to be like you when I grow up', if you like! For this layout I channelled Sharmaine ...  she's ace :) the black paint is totally Sharmaine! the paper clips are me - it's my new thing I think! The inkiness is Sharmaine The little tears and folded back bits are Sharmaine, as is the layering, and the use of paint and stencil on the background. Sorry it's pixellated but he's not mine to share... I'm really pleased with how it turned out and I think I may try and channel a few of my other fave scrappers too.  Watch out Corrie and Ashley ! Linking up a...


It's been so long since my last post.  T'internet is still broken... seriously tempermental connection... fingers crossed this posts. I should be back at the end of the week when hopefully we will have successfully swapped providers.  I can't wait to go through all the posts I've missed and catch up with your makes, desks, smiles and dogs - I miss you! A few things before I attempt to publish this... Next week Ali is running a Fete Week... details here . There is a sale on here . I'll add my dictionary page as soon as possible, but obviously it will be too late for the challenge :(  gutted as I've managed every challenge this year until now. I hope you are all well x

Friday Smiles

We've been having browsing problems with our internet, it's hugely frustrating.  I have a backlog of posts!  I didn't get to join in with Friday Smiles last week as the internet would not bring up any BlogSpot pages.  So here is last weeks Friday Smiles ... Little pink and purple smiles from the garden in a cute little jug displayed on the shelf with my deck swap cards.  If you've not joined in before ahve a go this week, if nothing else you'll get to see Annie's munchkins' 'selfie'   :D

Alpha Challenge - T is for Tern

I'm quite late with this fortnights entry for the Craft Barns Alpha Challenge .  I took an age to decide which word to pick! I plumped for... And this happened... I was fortunate enough to win the Ā£20 prize from last fortnights challenge and I'm eagerly awaiting my goodies... I'll share them next time :) Thanks for stopping by

Oodles of circles

So it's new challenge day at Crafty Ribbons Challenge :) Gretha  (who, quite frankly, could easily go by the name of Superwoman!) set this weeks challenge and chose - Circles So I made this layout... using flowers , hearts , cotton , satin , and two lots of dots  and a button box too! Come over and join us won't you?