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Showing posts from June, 2013


Morning Deskers ! No photo of the actual desk today but you guys often ask about my little drawers of buttons...     Here is what is inside... Yummy, am I right? Thanks for stopping by!


    Here is a card I was recently commissioned to make... ļ»æ         The lady in question is know as Peach so that is the theme that we went with.   I used gesso and watercolours to paint this peach on a carefully chosen dictionary page.  I still feel a bit weird when I cut up book pages.  I know someone got rid of the book (as I picked it up in a charity shop) but still makes me feel naughty!  Anyway the naiughty feeling faded and I am really pleased with the card :) Thanks for stopping by

Crochet Hook Case!

I've been playing with the Knit and Sew ribbons from Crafty Ribbon ribbons ... First I want to share with you a small case I added ribbon to to keep my Mum's crochet hooks in.  It's super simple... case, strong double sided tape and ribbon.     I also made a scissor charm. I know when I went to a patchworking group a few years back we all had the same scissors! This is just a length of ribbon, two buttons and a popper.  Easy to take off if it annoys you (as I thought it might but actually it didn't annoy me at all or hinder my cutting) and pop back on when scissors might wander off to join another crafter! Thanks for stopping by :)

Flowers Galore!

    This weeks theme at Crafty Ribbons Challenges is Flowers Galore!  Love it, great theme Karen!   I set about making some button flowers...           and then a vase...ļ»æ and then planted the flowers in to the vase et voila!   I used flower buttons and seam binding .     Coincidently Ali is  also doing a button flower week over at Crafty Ribbons ... Thanks for stopping by today - I love that you visited :)


    I'm not able to be at my desk this week but I still want to join in with all the desky goodness !  Here are the ATC's I made for the swap this year...         I may struggle to get to many desks this week but I will return your lovely comments eventually - promise!! Thanks for stopping by!    

A Little Gift

Here are some pictures of a stationery folder I made a friend for her birthday.     I used the method Ronda Palazzari taught me     and went to the whole hog and made matching stationery too and     covered all the raw edges in butterfly washi.     The good news is she loved it :)       Thanks for stopping by!      

Pretty Ribbon Mobile

    I've been sorting through some posts and realised I never published this post.  The poor thing has just been sitting lonely in the drafts folder so I'm giving it it's 5 minutes of fame now...   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over at Crafty Ribbons Ali runs challenges every now and then.  She sends you out a bunch of ribbons, you make a coupe of projects and sens them back.  The latest bunch was saddlestitch and my projetcs are featured today. First off I made a mobile with the softer colours from the bundle. The hoop is the inside of an empty reel of tape covered in washi. The dangles are die cuts from my collection.  Not much of a collection to start with, and when I took colour in to consideration these were the only ones I was left with! They seem like a random collection!!  But overall I think it's quite a cute make...

Knitting Needle Case

I've been playing some more with the gorgeous sewing ribbons from Crafty Ribbons ... This time I'd like to show you a knitting needle roll.     A while ago I was fortunate to come across a load of sample books from an upholsterer and curtain maker.  The samples were no longer the current fabrics and they were going to be chucked away.  I rescued them and the fabrics have been sitting in a box waiting for a new purpose.  I picked out a lilac piece to match the ribbons and doodled a pattern on some scrap paper.       It was just a few measurements and a few lines of machine stitching, adding a bit of ribbon et voila!       It's not perfect but it holds the needles.  Next time I will tweak the design a little to improve it but I guess that's what it is all about... trying, adjusting and perfecting!       Thanks for stopping by!      

Friday Smiles

    This is what made me smile this week... Joining up with the fabulous Annie at Friday Smiles .

Alpha Challenge - U is for Uniped

Well, this wasn't easy... there were not many options for the Craft Barns Alpha Challenge U page.  There were plenty of U words, of course there were - it's a dictionary!  But they didn't fit with my theme of wildlife... until I stumbled across So I illustrated Helix the Snail. Thanks for stopping by :)


Well, here is my effort for his months White With 1 challenge.  The colour is CORAL and you need to use decorative edges.  I'm not entirely happy with it.  It feels more like 1 With White - too much coral... and I'm not convinced my edges are decorative enough... anyhoo, lets have a look...     I took a sheet of coral and white hexagon paper and cut the straight edges off with my craft knife.  This is attempt one at decorative edges.  Added some gesso.  All of my layers are cut first of all straight and then with a perforating cutter a few mm's in from the edge.  It gives a faux stitching feel to the layers.  This is attempt two at decorative edges!     Then a few close ups of the embellishment clusters...  Thanks to Mum for the crocheted hexagon!       I didn't have a white hexagon button so I dunked one in gesso :)       Loads of white star se...