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Right Now

I might be getting in to my stride with the July kit from Like For Ever...

Although looking at this now, perhaps it could use a title somewhere?

This is all about the background paper.  It had white triangles on it - how to use it without obliterating them? Well I cut templates of each one (of course they were all different sizes!) and stacked up transparent layers.  I attached them by running them through my sewing machine - just one line of stitching so I could bend up the edges for dimension.

I scattered some rub on triangles over the layout and added quite a lot of black ink.  Every time I thought I'd finished with the ink I went back and added a little bit more!

The thing I love most about this layout though are the juicy layers under the photo.  Tonnes of layers, all different colours and materials - plain vellum, plain tissue paper, patterned paper, patterned vellum, cardstock, tissue paper used to mop up inks, and finally a piece of stripy packaging.

Entering at Simon Says Stamp - no ordinary paper.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Loving the LO Laura.

    Hope you have a fab Friday. Sue

  2. Lovely layout, the wood pattern background is so pretty. Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

  3. I really love this layout! I couldn't get to grips with the triangle paper and ended up cutting into it. Now I wish I'd waited until I'd seen this!

  4. OOOOH - I love this SO much!!!! Thanks so much for sharing it with us at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog! - Ashli :)

  5. Great LO. Love this. Those triangles are so cute and I love all the scummy layers. Hugz


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