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Less Is More Sketch

This weeks Less is More Challenge is based on a sketch.  There are already some great entries...

Here is my take...

 To me the sketch screamed aperture.

Close ups of the centre piece... One taken from the front of the card through the aperture and one taken with the card open.

I used a Tatty Teddy brad, layered it up with coordinating papers with inked edges.  I also inked the edges of the card and the aperture.  I stamped 'hello' with shadow and london fog (I love that grey is never called grey!)  Then using the very subtle shadow ink I added a butterfly stamp to the front and flower stamps to the inside.

Just because I hadn't really finished using my daily allowance of creativity I added a butterfly to the envelope too!

I feel like I need to apologise for the quality of the photos today.  The weather is so pants that the light isn't good enough for a crisp shot.  I should have rigged some daylight lights up but didn't think about ti until after taking the first batch of photos... dopey!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. That brad looks amazing in this setting Laura!
    Super card!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  2. How clever to use the brad, what an adorable card!

  3. What an amazing card! Beautiful, so original.

  4. Hi
    Really nice card .......,gorgeous ...
    Hugs Sylvie xxxx

  5. A really sweet card. The butterfly on the front is a really nice detail.

  6. very nicely done
    Greetings Caroline

  7. Love that brad and isn't it perfect for your aperture! Zx

  8. such a brilliant take on the sketch - it's stunning.

  9. ...tis a very cute card Laura...Mel :)

  10. Wonderful sketch Laura. Sometimes I have pictures that turn out darker than they should and I haven't quite figured it all out yet. I think your pics look great.

  11. A super card Laura! I love how the way you've placed the brad ~ what a great idea! Sarah x

  12. Super card, only just noticed it, I think we had similar ideas this week too :) Viv xx

  13. Brilliant card - the brad was a great idea!

  14. Great work with the brad, lovely card.

  15. What a lovely card. My Dad bought me some Tatty Teddy brads for Christmas, and I had no idea how to use them...

  16. That's just a lovely idea and how you made it, just great!
    Hugs Claudia

  17. Very cool card using the challenge this week. Love that you used a window!

  18. Thanks for visiting my blog. What a stunning card you made!

  19. love the soft colours and the aperture version for the LIM theme! hugs, annie x

  20. Wow! Would never have thought a brad could be the centrepiece of such a great card! Beautiful colours too

  21. What a cute card Laura - I love the aperture idea. Thanks for commenting on my blog :)

  22. Excellent use of a brad, and love the colours you have used, lovely card

  23. Clever interpretation of the sketch - love that little brad. xx

  24. Super brad I do love images that are lopped off!
    FAB card
    Thank you very much
    "Less is More"

  25. Very neat idea! I giggled at the thought of having to add a butterfly because you hadn't had your daily craft quota!

  26. A very sweet card. A very creative use of the brad

  27. Your clever take on the sketch and your execution are so fantastic! Congratulations on being showCASed on LIM!!


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