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Super short and sweet this WOYWW...

Empty space for crafting in!!  This almost never happens...
must take advantage!!  :D

Now then... what to make..?!


  1. cor tidy.....go mess it up quickly! lol

    Happy WOYWW Mrs.C #46 {i think?!}

  2. Wow that is a tidy work space I think you need to get some inspiration from somewhere so you can get messy.
    Ria #114

  3. Wow, that is tidy. Hope you've messed it up good and proper by now in the name of creativity.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #70

  4. Oh I blank slate, that will either inspire or kill creativity lol! I hope it inspires yours, mine seems to be hiding in here somewhere! Thanks for the visit!
    Angie #112

  5. I am sure it will be messy by next Wednesday!
    Carol.x #59

  6. thanks for visiting I hope your empty desk is a temporary measure and you got creative. Have a fab week Andrea #22

  7. Decisions, decisions...hope you had fun with whatever you made :) thank you so much for the YouTube link, it's really thoughtful of you and has put me out of my misery!!
    Hugs, LLJ 38 xxxx

  8. oooh! the possibilities...
    and the next time you feel a miranda quote coming on - spout it out! you'll know at least one person knows what you're talking about :)
    thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
    happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
    no. 2

  9. Hi! Returning the visit. Enjoy making something in all that wide open space! Happy WOYWW. ~ Laura #118

  10. Ok girl go forth and mess it up and have fun doing it............ LOL

    Now I also spy a huge roll of brown twine, just send it down here please.

    Happy WOYWW

  11. Hi Laura,

    Tee hee. Yep, when I see my dining room table without crafting stuff on it I feel like I need to get in there and do something about it!

    Thank you for visiting me already.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay #123

  12. Hi Laura - love your crafty space especially the little drawer unit at the back with all the different handles!! Great blog - I'm a new follower! Sarah x WOYWW 133

  13. Gawd, all that light and space and what happens - I get excited by the sight of a huge tub of love hearts!! I wonder what you ended up such moments, i end up tidying some more because imagination escapes me!

  14. Can't wait to see what you made on your clean desk.

    Sorry I am 2 days late hopping to your desk. Been battling a nasty flu bug.
    Lori #84

  15. Just ready to start crafting on - I am not sharing a desk as away from home looking after my friends cattery but enjoying having a good look around everyone else's desk


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