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Hello Deskhoppers!

(If you have no clue what I'm talking about you absolutely must go over to Julia's to find out and get addicted involved!)

On my desk today is a little paper bag.  I found the instructions yesterday and immediately grabbed a sheet of scrap to try it out.  Then a smaller sheet.  And then an even smaller sheet!  Later I plan to try it in a larger size...

It's my mates birthday today.  I like birthdays.  It's one day a year when I can spoil someone and hopefully make them feel special - because let's face it, everyone deserves to feel special.  It's not about the present (am I'm sounding old?!) but the fact that you remembered and cared enough to think about them and, in this case, make something for them.  So my mate is getting a bag with two little chocolates in...

Don't you just love it when the ribbons in your stash match perfectly with papers?!  Freebie papers I might add, from scrapbook magazine.

I have been sorting, I have a box of paper flowers and a box of wood mounted rubber stamps to sell.  Anyone interested drop me an email (addy in the side bar) and I'll give you the details...

Also, just as I know there will be lots of arty peeps here today that might not be here otherwise - have you heard of Featuring magazine?  They are trying to get better known and establish themselves - if you are interested check 'em out...

Smiley thanks for stopping by


  1. Love the little bags, they have a real origami look to them :0)
    Gorgeous packaging and labels for your friends gift too x Happy WOYWW Heather # 85

  2. Hi Laura, Fab bags. Your friend will be thrilled.

    I will be emailing about your flowers and stamps.

    Off to look at the magazine.

  3. Hi Laura; very cute bags and a very good idea when tired of making cards all the time!

    Greetings from Sweden,

    La Vikinga / Charlotta

  4. love your little bags and your friend is going to love her chocolates in her bag, very pretty
    Happy WOYWW hope you have a great day
    Ria #48

  5. Well, your mate is going to love that prezzy! Cute papers and ribbon and choccy inside....doesn't get any better than that :)
    Good luck with your top tip is to back it with fabric (I use cheap white sheeting) it makes for a much nicer finish! Have fun :)
    Hugs, LLJ 38 xxxx

  6. Hi! Your bags and packaging turned out fabulous. I have to learn out to make those bags. Thanks for sharing! Jen is a lucky lady to recieve such handmade treats. I have not heard of that magazine and it looks so well done! Thanks for the visit-Winnie#91

  7. That's a great little bag, and you have very interesting scraps too!!

    Brenda 112

  8. That is such a sweet birthday gift - love the colour-combo and yes, finding matching ribbon/thread can make your day isn't it? Happy woyww, Marit #100

  9. That is just the cutest bag ever!! I love the gift too, adorable!

  10. Hi Laura thanks for popping by. Hope your friend has a lovely day. Your bag looks like a cute little bird house. WOYWW Hugs to you from Helen 120

  11. Cute little bags! Yes I have heard of Feature Mag, and even have a copy of issue #2, LOVE IT! BUT it is too pricey to get shipped to CA, over $25.00 total. Such a bummer, great reads and inspiration.
    Thanks for popping by my blog earlier
    Krisha #32

  12. Cute little bags! Thanks so much for visiting my desk today!! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

  13. Hi,
    I've just found your comment as you have left it on my last weeks WOYWW post.
    Love your little bags and what you've done with them.
    A x #56

  14. Hi laura, Thanks for stopping by earlier. Great little treat bags that would be lovely for easter when filled with little eggs. Happy woyww jill #22

  15. What FAB bags! And you have decorated the birthday one beautifully. Your friend will be DElighted. The papers are super freebies; how nice to have ribbons that match.
    I've emailed you re the flowers & stamps. I'm in the UK
    :0) Mo

  16. those little bags are really clever and the colours match beautifully

    Gill x #123

  17. Love the little bag and the scrap paper looked interesting too - LOL. Know what you mean about the thought. My Mother is quite the opposite with my anniversary tomorrow and told me she hasn't even sent a card! Typical! Thanks for visiting me, BJ #58

  18. I love the bags! Good work going smaller and smaller! Happy WOYWW! Nan #1

  19. What a fabulous gift bag that makes and even better if the paper was free. The whole package looks wonderful, you are so thoughtful. I think a little something that has been made by someone is better than any expensive gift. I'm going to check out those bag instructions.
    Have a great day.
    Von #75

  20. Very cute little goodie bags. I love them. #106

  21. I love the little treat bags you've made. I'm always looking for something new to go with cards for a small gift so will be checking that out.
    Fiona x

  22. Very cute paper bags and the bag you made for your friend is gorgeous!

    Lauren x

  23. Hi Laura, thanks for paying me a visit, I have just got side tracked making a little paper bag, I like it but think I need to make a few more before I could use it for a gift lol. Yours is lovely I'm sure Jen will love it (and the chocs of course)
    Happy art making
    Hugs Lottie

  24. Cute bag! I will have to go get the instructions myself, huh? :) It will be nice to have a bag to coordinate with cards and things so thanks for sharing that with us. And thank you for stopping by my blog already and leaving me a comment...I know just what you mean about the dying! Although the ones shown yesterday didn't leave my hands stained, because I did them in baggies, the ones I did last night have left my hands stained very badly! lol I did them in baggies, too, but then I played around with the distress stains on them, tweaking the colors, and whooboy the mess I made! :) Have a great WOYWW! Deeyll #141

  25. A little bag containing chocolates sounds a wonderful gift to my Laure, especially as you too the time to make the bag yourself. I love giving handmade gifts.

    Thanks for stopping by this week.

    Happy Crafting!
    Sue @ 81

  26. Great looking bags! Love what you've done with them. Thanks for dropping by, hugs Jenny #131

  27. what lovely little bags I love bags and boxes these look fab. Tracy #72

  28. I totally agree about making someone feel special and it's not about the gift. At this stage in my life - I don't need gifts - show me the love! LOL The bag is adorable and chocolate is always a great gift. :-) Now off to check out the magazine. April #151
    P.S. Thank you for stopping by my blog.

  29. The bags are so cute! And chocolate makes a marvelous gift. Happy WOYWW, belatedly! ~ Laura (Bookworm) #152

  30. I printed this out so that I can try this. What a great project. Thanks


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